“86% of employees and executives cite lack of collaboration or ineffective communication for workplace failures” Salesforce
High performing teams can be identified in a variety of ways. We’ve identified Courage, Growth, Commitment and Discipline – 4 Key Indicators of Success. There are also 8 competency-based dimensions of team performance that we have observed. They are common factors in elevating performance of almost any team. Using DYNAMIX® team level one and two profiles, your team’s current performance is assessed and areas to improve are identified.
We all work with teams and most teams are not teams at all. In fact, they are only groups of people working together.
Creating a winning team is not easy but the results are worth it. Everyone is more productive and happier when they are part of an effective team.
Effective teamwork is developed step by step. It is a process - not an event. Teams need to understand the critical dimensions of team performance, where they stand in relation to these dimensions and how to address any gaps that they identify.
Your Unique Style
Discover your unique communication style, team strengths and areas to improve using the DYNAMIX® personal profile. Learn how to identify others’ styles and how to adapt and connect to everyone more effectively, including your colleagues and team members.
View our DYNAMIX® Team Grids demos:
Your unique styleYou will receive your DYNAMIX® Profile outlining your communication and team strengths and areas to improve. Our 4-color communication model will be explained along with how to improve team communication.
Adapting to Others’ StylesLearn how to identify others’ styles and how to adapt and connect to everyone more effectively, including your colleagues and team members.
FeedbackYou will learn how to use the DYNAMIX® Feedback Model to give and receive positive and constructive feedback. Feedback is used to ensure continuous improvement of each individual and the team.
Team CharterYour team will work together to create a Team Charter. This charter will outline your team’s vision, role, values, code of conduct and team goals. The Team Charter is used to ensure team alignment and effectiveness along with improved communication.
Managing for AgreementYou will identify what stage of team development your team is at along with how to get to the next stage. You will also learn how to solve team problems and conflicts and how to develop increased co-operation and collaboration in your team.
Managing Change and Team PerformanceChange is constant so your team will learn how to effectively manage change in order to continually improve and achieve your team goals. The 5 “Ds” model will be introduced as a powerful way to change habits.
Effective Team MeetingsTeam meetings are a critical part of the team’s effectiveness and success. You will learn how to facilitate and lead a team meeting including how to prepare for the meeting and how to follow up.
Time Management for ResultsThe way that individuals and teams manage their time and shared priorities will determine how productive the team is. You will learn how to get more done in less time while avoiding time wasters and low priority activities.
The Winning Edge Principle - Positive ThinkingTeam morale and positive thinking can make all the difference when it comes to team performance. You will learn how to focus on the positives and how to turn negative situations into opportunities. Optimism, confidence and accountability are key ingredients that teams use to overcome excuses, blame and other negative influences.
Making Smart Decisions QuicklyTeams need to collaborate and make smart decisions quickly. You will learn how to make better decisions and what to avoid along with ways to get buy-in and how to sell your decisions and ideas to others.
Delivering Powerful PresentationsLearn how to make effective presentations using our 4-color Model of Communication. Adapt your presentations to the 4 different learning styles to ensure your message has maximum impact. Learn how to create and deliver powerful presentations that will leave your team asking for more.