“Great relationships start with Self-Awareness”
Applied self-awareness can lead to greater knowledge about the world around you. This knowledge can guide you in developing a greater understanding of your personal preferences and behaviors. The projection of your preferences is a major factor in determining the quality of the results you are able to achieve when you interact with other people.
“Only 10-15% of people are Self-Aware” - Havard Business Review, 2018
What is DYNAMIX®?
The DYNAMIX® profile is a tool that helps you identify the factors that drive your individual performance. It is driven entirely by your responses to a series of carefully researched statements. It will allow you to identify strengths and any opportunities that might exist for improvement. The profile is your assessment of yourself. All of us can develop and grow if we are willing to do so. Often, the best starting place is to begin with your strengths. We believe that ongoing step-by-step development is one of the fundamental keys to superior individual performance.

How to use DYNAMIX®?
Our objective in providing you with DYNAMIX® is to help you identify and understand certain preferences and behaviors. This will allow you to make subtle adjustments to what you say and do and to make very deliberate changes in how you respond to changes in your environment or the people in your environment. The ability to adjust one’s actions and reactions in an authentic and effective manner is a key to superior individual performance.
Good communication leads to better relationships, higher levels of trust, morale and productivity.
Discover your unique communication style using our DYNAMIX® profile. Red, Yellow, Green and Blue communication preferences are measured using our easy-to-use DYNAMIX® model.

DYNAMIX® Assessments provide a combination of individual and 2 Team Profiles with facilitation, advisory and consulting services to create a common language around Team Effectiveness, Strategic Alignment and Employee Development and Engagement. The profiles assess individuals and teams in the following areas: