Virtually all of our learning solutions have a customized dimension. This is essential because your team is unique. For example, an introductory program designed to identify and leverage the strengths of a team will be structured quite differently for a customer service team that has been together for 2 years than for a senior management team that has recently been formed. Our customized learning solutions allow us to integrate your specific needs with one or more of our various solutions. The key is to link our programs with your vision, values, goals and processes so that it becomes your program.

Any customized learning solution must be focused on learning that is connected to your current challenges and opportunities. We begin by understanding your objectives. We identify gaps or challenges in the context of current market realities in your organization. We work with you to define what success will look like, step by step. Then we design programs to meet your needs and time frame and we work with you to implement. Finally, any process or program must be reinforced through coaching. Learning that is reinforced produces a quantifiable return on investment.

Customizing training solutions may include:

  • Creating a variety of relevant industry specific case studies to use in conjunction with a development program. This helps participants practice using the knowledge and skills that they are gaining.
  • Integrating components of your organization’s existing learning materials into our various learning solutions. This can be particularly effective in introductory programs.
  • Developing programs that respond to acute and immediate needs within the organization. This can include tailoring a program towards issues related to topics like change management if your organization is experiencing profound change.
  • Creating programs specifically geared for leadership effectiveness that provide a variety of helpful tools to those who will coach and guide in the ongoing implementation of the program.
  • Mixing and matching our 100 learning modules (1-3 hours) to create a solution that achieves your learning objectives.
  • Working with you to measure the effectiveness of these programs and to ensure that there is a follow-up process in place.